Saturday, January 22, 2011

Colds, Tennis, Soccer and Baseball......

The colds keep coming in and not stopping. I swear we are washing our hands! I know it is just the season for it, but I hope it stops soon!

We are all trying to play tennis through our colds. Mark had two tennis tournaments that he had to suffer through with congestion.Cough....Cough.... but he did pretty well. (Just don't ask him, he won't agree)
Ben and Hannah's Tennis teams are doing great and having fun. We have had to sit through traffic on a Friday night a few times to get to these other tennis clubs, but it is worth it to see them out there trying their best. I am trying to help captain Ben's team. I am glad they are all kids that know how the Jr. tennis teams work. It has been pretty easy. Mark helps coach both of their teams when he can. He certainly seems to love coaching all those kids. I know they like having him out there helping. He has so much patience!
Ashton had some time out on the tennis courts with his daddy yesterday. He has his tiny little racket in hand, and looked adorable. His attention span doesn't last long, but I am glad he like to pick up all those balls afterwards. Get some of his energy out! Now my tennis is another story. I wish I could get out there more. I think 1-2 times a month is my average. I keep telling myself that my time will come! I hope it comes soon!

Now soccer is still on our agenda. I thought it would be over once December hit, but they both wanted to do more! (Boy do these kids keep us busy!) Ben and Hannah play on an indoor soccer team on Sundays. I guess we should be lucky that there is no practice during the week. I wouldn't know how to fit that into the schedule even if there was. With Tennis practice every day after school and Ben's extra tennis class on Saturdays; I think we pretty much filled up every day of the week. I keep trying to take a photo of the kids soccer, but my camera isn't cool enough to capture their quickness! So sorry Ben and Hannah....Ash get's most of the photos here. ;) Ashton only sport related scheduled activity is Little Gym. Somewhat of a little gymnastics class for the small ones. It is fun. He really enjoys it. I think his favorite thing is hanging on the bars when he gets there.

We are super excited about our new find! We happen to go into Sports Authority looking for some things for Ben, and walked out with a Lefty baseball glove!! Some of you may not know that our little Ashton is following in his daddy's footsteps. He is our Left handed boy. We are discouraging baseball in the house (although nerf football, nerf soccer, and nerf basketball are okay) He seemed to catch onto the concept of the mitt in hand and ball in the other. Of course that didn't last too long either. That darn 2 year old attention span! ;)

Ashton is still attending the Mill Creek CO-OP preschool. He likes it there. I am thankful that they have all the messy stuff that I refuse to have in the house. Like glue, sparkles and VOLCANOES! ***See video!** That lovely combination of baking soda and Vinegar. Not really sure if I am up for all that at the house. ;)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The New Year! 2011

Amazing how time flies so fast. The two teenagers and two year old can really occupy our days to whiz right by us!
Ben has started out the year today by saying this day was the highlight of his life. It was his first time watching the Seahawks play at Quest field. Mark and Ben screamed and screamed until their voices were raw. Thank goodness the Seahawks won! So glad the simple things like a winning team can create such fond memories for our big guy. Too bad it wasn't anything like our family nights or our special yearly vacations. ;) Mark sure did enjoy the game today too. He couldn't stop talking about it! I am glad they had a great time! I am sure Mark's 2011 dream would be for the Seahawks to go to the Superbowl again, and for him to come into 1st place for his Fantasy Football team, not 2nd place like he did for 2010.

Ending the 2010 year and starting the 2011 year for Ashton will be his trains. He is absolutely obsessed. Between his birthday and Christmas, I think he has enough trains to last him his whole entire toddler years! He likes us making different tracks for him daily, and is trying very hard to do them himself too. Perhaps this is early signs of engineering. We have taught him to say "Cool Track" and Hannah is trying to teach him "That track blows my mind". Too silly! Our goal for the first part of the New Years is to teach Ashton how to correctly play tag and Hide and seek. Oh he sure can play now, but it is his own rules! ;)

Hannah is our simple one to please. All I had to do was ask her what she wanted me to make for dinner. She choose pasta with Marinara and Alfredo sauce mixed with a side of chicken. Pretty darn easy! I know Hannah is looking forward to 2011. She will be turning 13 in May, and that means she can start her own FaceBook account and have a phone. I guess that gives us more things to ground her from if things start to go astray.

My hope for the New Years is just to have a working car! I sure do love my Volkswagon W-8 Passat! That baby has power to get up and go! Unfortunately it doesn't seem to go. It's been in the shop and will stay there for another week or so. They pretty much are rebuilding the engine.

I am sure you are thinking why am I keeping this 7 year old car. We keep it because I love it, and because we have a great warranty! This approx. $7000.00 job costs us only $11.00 for some bolts. I think I can live with the free loaner car for another few weeks! ;) Mark sure does hate my car. I hope to have it for another 7 years if it will putt-putt until then!

A sad thing for this year is my new friend Malin is leaving. I just met her this last September and she is heading back to Sweden. She has been a great highlight in my weeks at Ashton's preschool, and I hope the best for her future! So thankful we have met and I will miss seeing her smiling face!