Sunday, December 18, 2011

Santa Boat

Ashton was excited to see Santa come to Auntie Christy and Uncle Bart's house tonight. I did tell him that it was Santa's helper and that he had a pretend beard, but he was so happy to see him that I don't think he cared. Perhaps he was just thinking about the present that he was about to receive.

It was a cold and dark evening, but we enjoyed ourselves waiting for Santa to arrive at the dock.

Here he comes!!!
Hi Santa!
Hard at work

The kids loved the gifts that Santa brought them.  Ashton received Dart from the Day of the Diesel movie. Ben and Hannah received iTouch cases.  

 Thanks Santa!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hannah Clause is wanting some toys

Hannah Clause is Wanting some Toys 
By Hannah Mietzner, December 11, 2011
 (sung to the tune of Santa Clause is Coming to Town)

She’s making a list,
Asking for it,
Gonna find out if she gets the gifts.
Hannah Clause is wanting some toys.
Might be a big price,
Let her give you advice,
You know that she’s not naughty she’s nice.
Hannah Clause is wanting some toys.
She knows if you’ve been shopping,
Or wrapping it all up,
She knows you did not get her list,
So now she’ll let you catch up.
O! She’s making a list,
Asking for it,
Gonna find out if she gets the gifts,

Hannah Clause is wanting some toys.
Hannah Clause is wanting some toys.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ready for Christmas

The tree is up, the presents wrapped, it's cold outside and we have a rockin' little boy in the house!

Definitely feels like the Christmas season now!  

Ashton loves touching the ornaments all the time and he even put a second track around the Christmas tree.

15 more days!

Friday, December 9, 2011

End of Fall

Too many leaves!  Time to clean up!

He likes to cover up his ride on toy and hide it.
Technically I know that Winter doesn't begin for another couple of weeks, but when the yard is cleaned up and no leaves are falling anymore I think our Winter season has begun.  Ashton had some fun times in the leaves and then some added fun cleaning up with Daddy!