Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Hannah has had a big week.

We first had to meet up with my dear friend, Kim Hayes - Mary Kay consultant, to help Hannah with some stage make up.  Hannah was excited to be able to wear more make up but not excited to have to wear bright red lipstick for her dance recital.  I was thankful that Kim could come over and help her learn how to apply her make up.  I didn't even know where to begin. It looked so pretty, that I was tempted to put some on myself!

She was now ready for Her dance recital on Sunday evening.

She wouldn't keep her outfit on after her dance recital, so I couldn't get her photo with the cool sparkly dress!

Waiting to watch Hannah!

Hannah didn't want her recital posted, and I couldn't get a good photo because flash wasn't allowed while they were performing, but I was able to trim her video so you could at least see what her outfit looked like!

Hannah has been taking Jazz dance from Vibe studio for the past 5 + months.  She loves it and they finally had a dance recital to show off what they have learned.  Unfortunately it was 2 1/2 hours long and she was the 2nd to last dance, (32 out of 33 performing classes) so we were all getting antsy to see her perform. Ashton was being a trooper and did great waiting the whole time. When her jazz class finally came on, it was amazing!  She was the best dancer out there!

8th Grade Graduation! Next stop....

Tonight was Hannah's 8th Grade Graduation celebration.  I can't believe I have 2 kids in High School next year.  Wow!

It was a fun night to see her walk down with her friends and celebrate their last day there.  (Ben had some good memories too. ha!)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

June 9th
 Ashton's first Tee-Ball Game!

First time wearing his new tee-Ball shirt!  Very large on all the kids. ;)

Waiting on Base.

Daddy says "Go!" 

The parents all help out! 

No game is complete with out snacks afterwards. 

Jaclynn turns 23! 
Husband Matt and she is 5 months pregnant with Autumn!

Has his M&M Light saber candy dispenser (that actually lights up) in a belt.  It wouldn't fit in his pocket so we had to create something. I asked him to smile, and I think he wanted his Jedi Knight warrior face on!  
There's my smile!!  (And his Fighting stance!)  

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ashton's T-ball practice

Ashton has always been a great T-ball player at home with the plastic bat and plastic ball. Now he has joined a team and is using a baseball helmet, metal bat and a real ball.  So much fun to see him. His first game is this weekend!  Go "Green Ninjas!"

Monday, June 4, 2012


Ben and Hannah went bowling for a cousins birthday party. They swear they didn't mean to coordinate their outfits, but they look like they make a great team!

Ashton decided this morning that "it's a puzzle day". He did so many one after another. What a cutie pie! Love the dimple you can see in the photo.