Friday, January 11, 2013


Ashton used to wake up every morning a little after 6am. He couldn't wait to watch his favorite morning cartoon shows.  I loved it because I could get things done, or if I was tired I could sit on the couch and read a book for a little bit. I sure miss that. Since the Christmas holiday he has decided that he doesn't like those shows anymore. Now he wakes up and wants to know what I want to do. I try to stretch out our morning as much as I can, but I sure do get tired of just "playing".  On an occasion he will play by himself, but it isn't often. It seems to happen more on the weekends when football is playing in the background.

Because of this new type of morning we have been having, Ashton and I decided to try swimming again at the club.  It is pretty quiet there in the mornings.  We stay in the little pool because it is very warm. We call it our Hot tub.  It is nice and toasty for these cold chilly mornings.

He has forgotten everything he was taught last spring in his swim class, but perhaps it will come back to him soon. Today was our second day, and he seemed more relaxed with the water then last Monday when we came.  I think the more he goes, the more he will remember.

Apparently he is #1