Saturday, November 30, 2013

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Hannah is taking her first adventure to Hawaii solo.  Her dad is already there, and she is flying by herself for the very first time.  How exciting! 
We will miss Hannah during Thanksgiving this year, but I am sure she will be basking in the sun and having a ton of fun!

Ashton waiting patiently.

Bye Bye Hannah.....

 Ashton and I drove her there, and then had an adventure ourselves to the Krispy Kreme Donut place. Ashton had never seen the donuts being made before. It was a fun morning. 



Sunday, November 10, 2013

Soccer Season comes to an end


Hannah's team ended early this year. The fields closed due to an abundant amount of water on the fields, so their last two games were cancelled. Luckily the very last game they won, and the team ended very happy with one win. No shut out for them! The girls played hard and Hannah enjoys playing soccer still!

Hannah's team

Waiting to play
Brother's watching

I can not stand the parking lot at the field.  Pot holes everywhere. After rainy days, the parking lot is filled with water. On sunny days your car gets all dusty and dirty. Blah! Once I had a car wash and then I had to take Hannah to practice at the last minute. It was sad that I couldn't enjoy the clean outer appearance longer.

Nice! Now center!

Get it Hannah!

Ashton had a fun group of boys on his team. 

He loved having daddy as the coach.

We had a couple foggy soccer days!  The kids still loved playing.

Way to be aggressive!

YEAH!! We scored again!  Is that like 7-0 now? 

Corner kick

Get in there Ashton.  Take it!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Ben's in the Herald!

Ben is Player of the week in the Herald today.

Ben Mietzner
Jackson | Boys Tennis
The Timberwolves No. 1 singles player battled the wind and triumphed over Cascade's Patrick Chung to win the 4A District 1 singles championship. It was Chung's first loss of the season.

Friday, November 1, 2013


 Hope everyone had a great Halloween!  Ashton had fun with Autumn at a few houses and then daddy and him took off to do more. He was tired pretty quick, but seemed content with his candy stash.
Tackle!  Ashton loves Autumn so much!

Baby Wyatt Cormier as Mike from Monsters Inc.

Autumn and daddy (Matt)