Sunday, December 15, 2013

Santa Photos

We had our annual Santa Photos done. We decided the rule for the cousins was if you are under 21 and have no children of your own, then you are in the photo!  Jacob was happy to be in it and we were glad because Autumn wasn't too sure of Santa. She loves her Uncle Jacob so it was nice he was able to hold her and be in the photo!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Fun Photoshoot

Back in November I made the kids go to Chateau St. Michelle's Winery to take photos. My main goal was to practice because I had a photo shoot here a few weeks later. I wanted to get a feel for the area and the sun at that time of day. I decided I might as well make these into Christmas cards, which you should have received by now. I didn't want to post the photos until we surprised you with our card. 

The kids were big troopers that day. It was the start of the cold weather, and they got a bit chilled when they took their coats off. 

I wanted to have some fun and I had Hannah be the perfect little girl she is and then the boys do a silly thing. Ben decided to jump in the air, so Ashton did too. You can't tell by the photo, but Ashton got some air time too!

I definitely love the setting here at the winery. It was beautiful. I recently took photos here again of some people, and it wasn't as lovely a month later. I must remember that November is a perfect fall time for the pretty fall colors.

There was a pretty building in the front of the fountain. We weren't really sure what they used it for, but it was a nice setting for our photo.  These kids are sure photogenic! I really should make them go to different places on their day off of school to let me check out more photo setting opportunities! Not sure if they will go of it. Even though they were smiling for these photos, I think they had enough after a while. I did let Ashton get a bunch of wiggles out in between shots. Tons of Candid shots of them that were fun too!

Here is the back side of the Fountain. Such great scenery!

I made them take umbrellas for props. Not really sure why, but I had this fun vision of the Pacific Northwest and rain. I thought it would be fun to take some shots with the sun in the background. Perhaps I may be the only one to get a kick out of this, but Hannah was a great model for me.  Those boys sure can be impossible sometimes!  (but adorable....)