Sunday, February 16, 2014

Valentines and More.

Happy Valentines Day!

Valentines Day was fun. Ashton had a cute party in his classroom. Decorate and ate cookies, played bingo and exchanged some Valentines cards!  We came home and ordered PF Changs for dinner with daddy and played aggravation before bed time. It was a wonderful day! 

He was excited to get the book pigeon and stuffed animal to bring home for the long extended 3 day weekend!  He looked so happy! I wish I had video taped it!

His box is the white one with all the hearts! 

Cookie snack time!


We took the kids to "The Lego Movie" today. Ashton started crying when the bad vibes came around on the screen. It was awful. I feel so bad for him because he just doesn't like negativity. But I also am getting tired of walking out of every movie we take him to. I decided I had to get mean and tell him to quiet down. I even went so far as to tell him he is being a big baby and that is was only Legos! I felt so awful saying it, but it worked! He quieted down and we stayed. I always explain the movie as it goes so he understands what is happening.  I am hoping he doesn't remember me calling him a big baby though! So mean.  So far he hasn't said anything about it and he thought it was a good movie!  Mark, Ben and Hannah really liked it too! Great story moral. Telling people to stop following the manual instructions and try to think outside the box. Get creative. Mark loves that! Ben and I have a hard time with creativity and we have always loved instruction manuals to Legos. So that is how Ashton and I build too. But after that movie, Mark and Ashton got creative and built a great tower! 

I finished the VGAL (Volunteer Guardian Ad Litem) training. It was good. I have decided to continue and try one case out and see how the experience goes. I actually just got appointed to a case and will begin this next week. I look forward to helping, but I am nervous for all the interviews with people. Mainly the parents that have their issues. But those can be in a office of the juvenile center.  You do get a choice in cases too, so that helps to pick one that I am comfortable in starting with.  They have once a month meetings for the VGALS to get together and be able to talk about issues or cases since we can't talk to people about them. Most cases are extremely heartbreaking. Seems like a movie and so sad that there are so many of them out there. Anyways- I do hope to actually get paid for a job sometime in the future, but for now this helps the community and gets me more experience, more social and my mind busy.

It is that time of year to sign Ashton up for the public school. We are going back and forth on kindergarten again or first grade. Ashton is hilarious! He says he wants to do kindergarten again because it is so easy! Ha!! At least we don't have to worry about his feelings being sad if we hold him back. ;) I think he will do fine in first grade. More Challenging and struggles, but it would work out. Then kindergarten will be a breeze and another year to socially develop and grow. I do think we are leaning toward that one. Three weeks to decide.  I don't think there is a right or wrong, but tough to know what to do.

Trying to get on Ben to get his colleges narrowed down. His girlfriend is gone this weekend, so we told him he has to focus! He just can't balance everything very well. Still no tennis for him either. I think he is on 3 weeks now without playing. Still trying to rest his Wrist.  His dad wants me to take him to a sports medicine doctor next. I guess that is on the agenda for next week. 

Hannah seems to already know what college she wants to go to. Wester Washington University. Now we only have to get on her next year for the SAT!