Friday, March 28, 2014


The days are going by so quickly.  Ashton finished up Basketball. Hannah started her Tennis season and even started playing indoor soccer on Saturdays.

Trophy day!! 

Cool cake for the trophy day!

We went to Julie Englands wedding.  It was beautiful and we enjoyed seeing her be truly happy.

Love those guys!

Leif and Julie, Me and Ashton

He can now build his track all by himself! Very creative tracks and I am so proud of him for building it himself!

He is still loving Seahawks Monopoly. His new thing is to be the banker.  He is very particular with how his money is placed in front of him. If he gets 5- $100's he trades them in for 1 - $500 and he thinks he is richer!  So cute!
Ben is working now at Columbia Athletic Club.  Mark is his boss.  He mostly works with the other Pros there and helps to teach the kids tennis.  He is really good with the kids. He likes his job too! He is still dating Sabrina. They seem happy and she is a great girl for him.

Ashton did this in school. It was so cute!