Friday, May 30, 2014

Ben at the WA state Highschool Boys Singles Tennis tournament 2014

We are very proud of Ben for playing hard this weekend. He was 1 of 16 kids out of WA state high schools to make it this far and he looked amazing out there! He Won his first match, Lost his second and third matches but played a great game. Way to go Ben! 

Sunday, May 4, 2014


 We went to the tulip festival!  The traffic was miserable, but the flowers and the beautiful day was worth it.  It was a great family day!!

Easter came......

Hannah's tennis season is going great. She is Varsity Singles #4 and doing great!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Hannah turns 16!

I Can't believe she is 16 already.  The family party! She wanted the brownie Cake!

We chipped in with her dad and got her the Letterman coat!

Kim and Alice look so much alike!

Uncle Misha and Aunt Kim

Suzie and Don Bergman

Uncle Bart and Aunt Christy. Mark's sister.

Ben and Sabrina still going strong and looking super cute!Aunt Christy and Uncle Gordan

Happy Birthday beautiful Hannah!