Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Summer 2014

What happened to our Summer. It went by so quickly. So fast that I don't remember everything. Ashton and I tried to go to parks every week. Ben was busy working almost every day, trying to spend time with us and also his girlfriend Sabrina. Hannah was home relaxing with us and sometimes went out with friends. Summer came and summer went. Amazing how fast time really does fly!

I had so many more photos...but I can't find them.
We took a drive to the IceCaves. It was a perfect day and beautiful up there!

Hannah received her Driver's license on July 29th!  Great job Hannah!

Monday, July 14, 2014

7 Year anniversary

Mark and I went to Las Vegas, Nevada for our 7 year anniversary. We thought it could be a lucky year for us because it was our 7 year and we were married on 07/07/07!!

I love this man!!!
We saw a funny comedy about marriage and the man and woman.  Hilarious!

Visited Paris

New York...

We loved the "its sugar" store!!

Escalator that spiraled.

I met Johnny Depp!

The M&M Store was a favorite of ours too!

July 4

We went to Ann and Jim Stewarts house for the 4th of July.
It was a lot of fun!
Our new friends "The Stewarts"

We had matching shirts!  She didn't have it on in the beginning of the night but told me she had it upstairs. I told her to go change! ;)

The boys....eating chips, watching the fireworks. Life is good!

After a couple drinks....

Charlie's Angels!

June - Ashton

Summer's here and the kids are out of school!  Ashton graduated from a private kindergarten and we are done paying for school!!! Yeah!!!

LOVE this photo of Ashton!! He is soooooo darn cute!

Ashton's good friend Landan!

Crazy eyes!! Such an adorable kid!

His Graduation night was fun. He is now a big 1st grader! We can't believe how the time flew by.  We weren't sure if we should keep him in Kindergarten again because he is so young, but he is such a smarty pants!

He also just finished baseball season!

We went to the Mariners game for Little league day with Ashton's team too! 
They were able to run walk around the field. 
It was fun!