Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Time

Ashton is loving Christmas time! For the last few months we have been telling him he will have to ask Santa Claus if he wants certain gifts. He was real excited the first time he saw Santa in the mall. He even wanted to sit on his lap. I think he thought he was going to get a gift right then and there.

We went back with Ben, Hannah and all the cousins. I think it seemed too crowded for Ashton this time, but he still looked like he was excited to see Santa.

Updates: Ben is in 8th grade this year and Hannah is in 7th grade. Both of them ended the first trimester with terrific A's! Ben and Hannah just finished Soccer season, and they are starting their Junior Tennis teams. I think Ben loves Tennis to try and get better, and Hannah loves to socialize, but they both are enjoying it! Ben still is into Xbox! Every free moment he would love to be on it. Hannah is still as artistic as ever! Knitting, drawing, sewing and singing. She always amazes us!

Ash is a busy 2 year old. Loves to go from one thing to the next. He loves the TV and Computer. I think it is something I say no to often, so he seems to think about it all day. ;) He still enjoys Thomas trains and the Wiggles! He sure can jam out to the Wiggles songs with his big brothers Guitar Hero and Rock Band Guitars! Ash is attending a Co-op in Mill Creek 2 times a week. I am allowed to leave him one of those days, but he is still so clingy that I just stay and hang out both days. Mark and I are trying to get Ashton into reading early. He sure does love his books!

Ashton is loving the baking season too! He always wants to cook cookies now. I hate to tell you that in that bowl is an assortment of things that were in the pantry. (Oatmeal, Paprika, wheat flour, whole allspice, ect.....) He just loves to pour and mix!

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