Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Sun came out!

This was our first weekend in two weeks that we have all been together. Ben and Hannah just returned from their Hawaii trip this last Tuesday. Ashton sure seems a lot happier when they are around! We were very excited to see the sun come out this afternoon. I thought I saw it on the forecast, yet it hailed this morning. Such strange spring weather we have had lately. The family decided to get outside and enjoy some Vitamin D!

First thing on Ashton's list was to ride his tricycle. Ashton finally figured out how to ride this last week. He has had his tricycle for almost a year now, and used to get discouraged quickly. Then he saw his sister Hannah outside riding in the cul-de-sac. He kept asking what she was doing. We said riding in circles. He seemed to find this very amusing, and decided to try his hardest to keep up with his sister. He is pretty quick now. Even learning to use his leg muscles to get up some slopes.

Next was basketball. It was exciting for me to see Ben and Hannah actually playing together. I definitely had to get proof of this in a photo!

Ashton wanted to play too, but it was a struggle. Daddy tried to help, then we decided to bring his little Basketball hoop over to the big court.

What a great way to end the weekend!

1 comment:

BartandKris said...

Love this! All back together again :)