Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Special Day Arrived! Ashton and his Trains. Ben and highschool tennis!

 Today was a special day for Ashton! He has been waiting since July 17th to watch the new Thomas the Train movie "Day of the Diesels"!   He watches the Movie trailer on YouTube almost every other day, and he can recite it word for word while watching the preview.  Such a funny little boy! He even wore his special Ashton 10 Day of the Diesel shirt today! (For those of you who do not know Diesel 10 is a train in the movie. An Evil train that Ashton likes....hmmm....should we worry?)

  He was so excited to buy it at Toys R US today.  Lucky for us they had only 2 left!  They kept trying to tell me it doesn't come out today. They finally looked in their stock room!  Yeah!! They had it!
Ashton watching his show!

BENNY!  No photos today. I couldn't go to his away match, but he played in his first Jackson Highschool Varsity tennis match at Woodinville High.  He won in the Singles #2!  We are so happy for him. He is very excited to start his first day at school tomorrow with a big win under him! GO BEN!

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