Tuesday, November 1, 2011


 Our Halloween celebration starts with the pumpkin carving a couple weeks ago! Thankfully Ben and Hannah haven't complained that we do this. They seem like they still enjoy it. I think Hannah loves getting all the seeds to bake!

Photos a bit blurry, but you can see that he was happy wearing some gloves!
Ashton tried to do more this year, but he had issues with the gooey slimy feeling.

Ben was pretty proud of his!
The finished product!

On Halloween evening we went to the Price's home.  We all had a great time! Hannah and Abby went one direction. Ben and Griffen went another direction, and Ashton wound up crying because he wanted his brother and sister.  We got his mind off of it and started trick-or-treating at houses.  He seemed to like going up to the houses and getting the candy. He did great with saying "Trick-or-treat" and "Thank You", but in between walking to each house he kept wanting to go back to Jenny's.  It must have been a combination of Ben and Hannah not being with us, lack of a nap that afternoon, and having to go potty. This potty training thing sure does limit your time out and about!  Ashton did great and had a fun evening!

Ben is the in the Jason Mask

Thanks to our friend MeiLi Chen, he had a very warm hat and mittens!

Hannah and Abby Price

Loved dumping it out.  He kept asking why he is only able to eat one tonight. 

Hannah took a photo of her candy!  Teenagers and they are still excited about trick-or-treating because of the Candy! 

It was a great evening!

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