Sunday, December 30, 2012


I am behind on posting Christmas Photos, but to find some extra time has been difficult this Christmas Holiday. So much to do and so little time. I think everyone has this problem.

We had a great Christmas day. The kids woke up with us this year and we had a nice morning opening gifts and having our traditional Sausage and Egg Casserole for Breakfast.

The presents that Santa left the kids by the tree.

YES! I got it! Thanks Santa!
Just so excited about his Mario Cart Track!
Loving her new pair of shoes she wanted.

Feel that Ben.....Isn't is so soft?

Love my new iTouch!  Good thing Santa had it engraved on the back:
"If found Please Call Ben Mietzner at 425-338-7539"


At Ashton's school he made this ornament.  They had him wrap it up and put it under the tree for Christmas day. He is very proud of it!

After we played around with all our new things and got ready for the day,
 we headed to Papa and Ba noig's (Pronounced Ba Why) house!

Really not sure how much longer we can all squeeze around the table....  

Ashton always like to put the train track together at Papa's house.

My favorite police officer!  

Word on the street says he takes his job very seriously and insists on people following his orders.  Apparently he is Mr. Bossy Pants with the uniform on.  But he is pretty darn cute in a uniform!

Alice was so much fun to shop for this year. She said that her favorite color was green and she wanted anything green.  I found many things like multiple shades of green nail polish, green bag, my favorite green book, green iPod charger, green watch....ect.... She loved it all!

Jacob was the easiest to shop for this year.  Cash!  ;)  

Little Autumn is just the cutest little thing! 

Hannah looks so grown up here. My little girl.....

I love this photo because I was taking a photo of Kim and Autumn and asked Misha to step into the photo. They both seemed funny about it, and afterwards said it was just weird to take a photo with them and a baby.  While they were both laughing they said it just didn't seem right.  :) Silly!

Jacob, Jaclynn, Matt and Matt's sister Marie

Beautiful girls! 

Next it is off to Christy and Bart's house for the Bergman's Christmas dinner.

This side of the family is so much fun when it comes to bacon! I think it all started with Brian And Cynthia's wedding and the platters of Bacon. We all said that it was the best thing ever! Ever since then Ben loves to have different platters of Bacon at his Birthday.   I just had to get Bart this Bacon Ornament for his tree!

Love seeing them stare at each other.

Love his little face. He is so adorable!

His First Present! He looks so excited!

This book claims it is rip proof, slobber proof and more.  I guess only time will tell!

Ashton loved everything he received!

Zachary loved this toy that Uncle Bart and Auntie Christy bought him for Christmas!

This is one of my favorite photos!  All the faces are great!! Especially Auntie Christy!  Zachary is smiling at you Auntie.

 I took about 4 or 5 photos, and none of them had them all staring at once. But they are priceless photos.

What a great Christmas day spent with family!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

We finally visited Santa!

We waited until today to visit Santa so the Cousins could all get a photo taken together. Matt and Jaclynn drove up with Autumn. The kids had fun, and the Santa was funny.

Grandma's Great Grandchild.

My Great Niece....So adorable.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Fun Holiday Weekend

Ashton had his Christmas program on Saturday. We were worried at first that he would be holding his ears and not wanting to participate, but he surprised us by being so excited. He was great up there! He didn't know all the songs they sang, but he really got into "We wish you a merry Christmas".

Afterwards they posed in front of the Christmas Tree

Sunday we had fun at Auntie Christy's and Uncle Bart's house for the Santa Boat!

Oh Boy! Very excited!

Love this photo!  

Hannah and Ben couldn't make it to see Santa, but they still got a gift because Santa doesn't forget any kids. Especially Ashton's siblings!
Crossing it off his list!