Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas time is here

Did you count right?  Are there 5 or 6 stockings?  Ashton is very attached to his Monkey this past week and really wanted a stocking up for him.  I happened to have an extra stocking, but I did tell him that Santa does not give presents to parents or stuffed animals. Only good children.
He loves this little monkey. It used to be Ben's stuffed animal about 6 years ago.  We aren't really sure why Ashton had gotten attached to him, but he loves to play pretend with him and "Oo Ah Ah" even plays go-fish and sequence with us.  It is very adorable, but we are hoping this is just another one of his phases that last about 3-4 weeks. Then he will probably be onto a new thing.

The lights went up this week.  Mark did a great job, but it was pretty funny to watch him and our neighbor this week.  Mark put some lights up, then Joseph, our neighbor, put some up. Mark put some more up, then Joseph put more up. Mark did a tiny bit more, and the neighbor told him he wasn't done with his yet either.  I do not believe they were trying to compete with each other, but it was comical. 

Ashton is loving our lights!

  We went out last night and picked out our tree. We used to go to tree farms and cut one down, but these past two years we decided to go to Donna's Tree farm down the road and pick one out.  Ashton was having a blast going through the rows of trees. It was hard to look at trees because he kept on going. Ben and I took turns chasing after him to keep him in our view.

He was so excited!

We waited until this morning to put the ornaments on the tree.  Ashton helped out so much this year. I can still remember a time when the christmas tree was matching and gorgeous. Now it is filled with fun memories of all the things the kids love. This year Ashton has claimed a large Football ornament as his own. He definitely deserves that after this season of Fun football nights with dad and Ben. 

 They are waiting patiently to put their ornaments up. Daddy is still getting the tree ready.

We ended the day with going to a toy store in Everett that had a Food drive for Volunteers of America. Of course there are food drives around every corner, but this one had Darth Vader!!

One of Ashton's favorite star wars Character!

This storm trooper let Ashton hold his blaster gun!

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