Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fun in Seattle

Ashton had a Preschool Field trip in Seattle today. They went to the Seattle Bug Safari! It is near the Pike Place Market.  He had a great time with all his friends from school. He enjoyed looking at the bugs.  He always tells us he doesn't like bugs, but he sure looked like he enjoyed them today. Perhaps it was because he didn't have to touch them, they were in secure aquariums.

  Then we walked along the waterfront with a couple of his friends and had lunch. It was very cold, but a pretty day.

 We found a carousel in a building with fun arcade things.

They took turns playing air hockey

On our way back to find our car, he saw this water sculpture and he insisted that I take a photo of him in front of it. He loves to have silly poses! 

Our little comedian

It was a fun exhausting morning, that he actually took a nap in the car on the way home.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

First weeks of February

Ben got braces! 

 He doesn't like them, but he is thankful he is getting it over with now.  

Ashton can't get enough of his sports. His new thing around the house is Basketball.  "One to One" he calls it, because he likes to shoot and have you shoot and see who gets to a certain number first.  You have to play defense at times and get the rebound!

Hannah loves playing soccer.  Just today she scored 2 goals for her team!


Hannah's #9

Ashton cheering her on!  "Go Hannah!"

Ashton played golf again today at the golf range. 

Check out that swing.... The next Tiger Woods?  hmmm....

Lefty Ash vs. Righty Tiger.  Looking good to me!

His favorite place to put the golf ball was right up to the hole so he could just tap it in.  Funny!  It always went in. ;)


Ashton has learned his ABC's and what sounds the letters make. He is starting to learn how to read some words too.  It is amazing how much he soaks up in a conversation or from a book.  Recently he likes to know if a letter is a consonant or a vowel.  He thinks it is funny that a vowel starts with a "V", but the letter "V" is a consonant. 

Maybe you think he reads a lot or watches real educational shows, but I really should be posting that he loves video gaming already. I am going to blame that on having older siblings that like to play.  He loves to play the Wii sports resort, Wii Fit Plus, Active 2, Mario Dance Dance Revolution and Mario Tennis. He has been watching Madagascar and the Penguin movies and he thinks Kung Fu Panda is AWESOME.  His punching skills are improving and I have been trying to tell him that we don't hit other kids because they would be sad and tell their mommies.  The couch gets a beating from time to time. 
But putting too much of those non-educational things on this blog just doesn't seem right. ;)