Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fun in Seattle

Ashton had a Preschool Field trip in Seattle today. They went to the Seattle Bug Safari! It is near the Pike Place Market.  He had a great time with all his friends from school. He enjoyed looking at the bugs.  He always tells us he doesn't like bugs, but he sure looked like he enjoyed them today. Perhaps it was because he didn't have to touch them, they were in secure aquariums.

  Then we walked along the waterfront with a couple of his friends and had lunch. It was very cold, but a pretty day.

 We found a carousel in a building with fun arcade things.

They took turns playing air hockey

On our way back to find our car, he saw this water sculpture and he insisted that I take a photo of him in front of it. He loves to have silly poses! 

Our little comedian

It was a fun exhausting morning, that he actually took a nap in the car on the way home.

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