Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Past Few Weeks......

Once again the past few weeks flew by us. Since then Ashton has learned to actually swim under the water. It is only for a few seconds but he is proud of himself and really likes his swim lessons.  He used to be hesitant into going twice a week, and now he can't wait to get in there and swim some more. I think a lot of it is his teacher Hannah. She is wonderful with him and a great swim teacher. We got really lucky to have her.
Grandma and Grandpa came to watch me swim! (My camera lens was fogging up in the beginning with all the warm moisture in the air.)

He used to borrow his swim goggles, but we bought some that he seems to be getting used to. 

On Thursdays Ashton started a new Sports camp at Mark's work.  When I first signed up he was the only one on the list.  I posted it on my FaceBook page, and I had 3 other friends come join us for the class.  He had a blast.  It was fun to watch too. At first they started with Duck Duck Goose and stretching. Then it was dribbling, catching and kicking balls.  They then moved to Baseball.  Ashton was amazing with hitting the ball when Coach Dan pitched to him.

Coach Dan trying to explain Duck-Duck Goose.

Getting some stretching in before starting.

Trying to Dribble

"Home run!"  It was so fun to watch the boys try and run to the bases.  They felt like they had to go get the ball they just hit and then go to first base.  It was so cute!

Running around the bases for fun!

Isn't this Painting beautiful.....

Hannah painted this in her art class.  She has such talent. The pieces of art that she comes home with is truly amazing!

She even won an award. For the month of February the theme was Creative. Hannah's science teacher actually nominated her for this. She truly deserves it!

Hannah has decided to take a break from tennis.  She is doing Jazz Dance on Monday's and still loving her indoor soccer team on the weekends.  She is one of their star players.  The don't get to ever practice because they would have to rent out time in the indoor facility, but she goes once a week to have fun with her friends and try to win the game.

Ben's Tennis season with his team just came to an end last weekend.
We are missing one boy in the photo, but this is Ben's Jr. USTA tennis team.  They are all wonderful kids and we enjoy spending time with their families as we all sit and watch the kids play.  They had a great season. Won all but one of their matches.  I captained their team and Mark helped coach when necessary.  I hope we have enough players to do this again in the Summer.

The reflection on the windows at the club made it tough to get great photos, but he still looks great.  His match was a tough one. He was down 1-4 and came back to win in a tie-break against an older kid from Mercer Island. It was fun to watch.

Watching Ben play tennis.  Ashton has really gotten into watching and looking at the score cards. 

Ashton and Daddy

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