Friday, November 30, 2012

It was a great Birthday!

The day started out normal. Ashton wakes up at 6am and takes his animals and his blanket to the couch to watch some of his favorite T.V. Shows.

Then we hopped in the car to the Bellevue Square Mall to have lunch with Auntie Christy at Red Robins.

We walked around the mall afterwards and found the Disney Store at the end of our adventure. He loved it there. A fun tunnel under the stuffed animals display. He was trying to race Auntie Christy from one side to the other.

Who Won?

Then we went out to dinner at the Saw Mill Cafe in Mill Creek. It was a breakfast dinner night because the kids are with their dad this weekend, so this place was perfect. 

Their Cinnamon Rolls are the family favorites! They are huge!

Then we came back and opened presents. Ashton picked out this book for me. Mark says that he actually grabbed it himself in the bookstore and wanted to give it to me. It was the perfect book too.  Gluten-Free Vegan Bread baking book. Wow Ashton! You are smart! 

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