Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sweet 16


Surprise! We brought you tons of balloons!

We picked up Ben and Hannah from their dad's house and celebrated Ben's birthday at The Rock Pizza place in Bothell.

This definitely looks like Mark's kid!
 I think I have a photo of Mark doing this to Ashton. Ha!  

After lunch we went and had cake and opened gifts at his dad's place. 

This year we have a new favorite dessert added to the extremely large list of sweets we already love!

We call it "Chocolate Splat" 
Mark at first said we should call it "Cow Pie", but I really didn't want to think of poop.  So it looks like chocolate that was just smashed together. Chocolate splat sounded perfect.  
I made these Chocolate chip Buttermilk Cookies last week and the family loved them. Ben kept asking for more. He said he would love to have them for his birthday.  So I piled them together in a circular shape and poured our favorite chocolate icing on top to create an unusual cake. It was quite rich and delicious! Yummmm....

Ashton really wanted Party hats for Ben's birthday. I know he doesn't look like it in this photo, but I think the camera person kept confusing us on when we were supposed to smile. ;)   I actually found 4 hats in a celebration box I keep that has leftover party items.  Sorry Mark- No hat for you. I know you are disappointed!  Ahhhh shucks..... (by the way...the photo in the backround is something Hannah painted in art class.  She is amazing!)

My first born....I sure love this kid!!  

Don't let the horns fool you, he is actually a pretty sweet kid.  This is not a omen!

Now make a wish....but sorry there will not be a car in your future. (Or a iPhone!) 

Ashton was so excited to give him his present.  I asked him what he wanted to give Ben for his birthday. Ashton said he wanted to give him 3 lightbulbs. "why three lightbulbs, because he has 2 lights out in his bathroom and then one more for later"   He cracks me up.  So we wrapped up 3 lightbulbs for Ben!
Hannah picked out a cool Buckle t-shirt that Ben really liked.

(We also got him a new BASIC phone to replace his cracked screen, not so good other BASIC phone)

This was the big gift. It was from Mark, Ben's Dad and myself. It wasn't as much as a used car, but it was pretty darn close.  He really wanted a letterman's jacket!


1 comment:

Donna said...

Looks like everyone had a wonderful day!
And I love he letterman jacket, but Ashton's gift made me giggle out poud! Too funny