Saturday, March 31, 2012

Crazy Hawaii weather

We must have brought some of Seattle with us. Except we all agree we would rather have it all cold or all hot. The weather yesterday was a combination of everything but snow. The sun would peak out so the boys went to play some tennis in the morning. It rained hard at one point then the sun came out again. We tried going to the pool then the wind and rain came in between spots of sunshine. We decided to try walking to a cute train and got hit with a bunch of wind and sprinkles. Walked back to grab the car and decided we would drive and go shopping. Ashton fell asleep and When we woke up we told Him we would do the train a different day. We had to tell him the train doesn't go if it is raining. Hopefully it doesn't rain the whole trip!

We drove only 10 minutes to Lahaina and the weather was warm, sunny and beautiful. Our hotel must be in a convergent zone. Crazy!

Last night and this morning the wind is howling like crazy. Unfortunately we have tickets to go on a snorkel cruise early this morning. We drive half an hour to get there So lets hope this weather really is just at our hotel!

For an update on our health situation; Ashton is coughing less. Marks cold continues to be there but he seems to be functioning fine. I feel the cold in my chest and when I get colds it isn't pretty. Filling up on my vitamin C this morning. Ben and Hannah are great! Let's hope they stay that way.

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