Friday, March 30, 2012

Travel day

It was a tough travel day. I think taking multiple planes is hard for a little one. The rest of us can manage ok, but he was not liking his car seat by the end of the day. We debating for weeks about bringing his car seat on the plane and we are glad we did. I think it made it more comfortable for a couple of the naps. It was more constricting, but at least he knows he has to stay seated. Ben and Hannah seemed to occupy themselves good. They were easy to be with. Ashton on the other hand was good but I don't think I could stand his whining voice by the end of the day (Are we there yet? Why aren't we there yet? When are we going to be there? Why Isn't the plane landing yet? Why does daddy have to get a car? Where's the hotel? Are we there yet? And the list could continue on and on... ... )

During our plane time, Ashton's cough got worse and Mark started sneezing and by the end of the day Ashton sounded awful and Mark felt miserable with heavy cold symptoms.

Luckily our Hotel room seems perfect for us. (We did check into one room and it didn't have enough beds so we had to pack up and move to a different one. I called twice to confirm our bed arrangements prior to coming so we were surprised by this) minor set back and the new room is great. Found a grocery store across the street and filled up on some basic foods since our room has a kitchen. We figure we could have a few meals there and save on the cost.

To conclude our day yesterday, Ashton was climbing on the coffee table when we were all busy getting settled in (how odd since he has never climbed on anything like that before) and he fell off and cut his lip and scrapped his chin. Lots of blood at first, but it looks tiny now. Boy O boy - travel days are tough!

I must add this morning that I am not liking the three hour time change. Ashton was up at 4:30AM. His cough is still there and I will have to monitor it today. I am hoping it is just part of the strange viral infection he had, but he seemed so good on Wednesday. We are watching TV and trying to keep quiet so poor daddy can sleep away his cold. I am working on a huge pot of coffee and hoping Ashton will take a nap later so I can snooze too!

Sent from my iPhone

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