Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Hannah!

Our beautiful Hannah turns 14 today!
Amazing how time has gone so fast. My cute little baby is growing up.
One of many adorable photos of Hannah when she was a little girl! She has always been so cute!

She loves soccer!  
We had a great family party to celebrate.
Hannah's favorite birthday cake. The famous 5 layer (I turned this one into 6 layers) Chocolate Chip Cookie cake that takes hours to make.  Well worth it. A delicious choice Hannah!

This morning we all sat down before school and work to have some delicious crepes and spend time wishing Hannah a Happy Birthday start to her day!
Birthday card from Ashton
One of the first mornings that Ben isn't rushing off to school. I did write him a note to be late because we were having such a nice breakfast with Hannah.
Loving her new clothes and her new bracelet! Heading off to school this morning happy for the day!

Hannah made this in art class


Ashton is back into trains again.  When we left to Hawaii we didn't pack one train.  He seemed to be playing less with them at that point.  We got home and our red carpet was free of toys for a good week. Then he wanted the blue train track set up. (The one we gave him for his 3rd birthday that he plays with on an occasion)  He is now full force back into Thomas!  Not really sure how it happened, but he can play with them all day long if I let him.  I have to talk him into other things throughout the day.

My mom and dad bought Ashton this Ice cream cone at Mukilteo beach a couple weekends ago. The weather was beautiful.  I must admit this is really his first true ice cream cone that he has held and eaten. I am more of a cup and spoon mom. Who really wants to clean up the mess after an ice cream cone?  But he loved it! The next weekend he wanted one again when we went out to celebrate Grandpa's birthday.

Every 4 weeks is swim card day!  He is still on level 2, but he is doing awesome. He loves to go swimming!
 At Hannah's soccer game, Ashton was getting cold.  We told him if he ran around the track he would be warm.  So he did one time.  Then played soccer in the grass. Then he ran the track a second time. Then he played at the nearby park.  Then he ran a 3rd time and played soccer some more. He wanted to race and do some sprints then he ran his 4th lap around the track before going home.  He went well over a mile that day!  Where does he get the energy? :) 

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