Monday, May 28, 2012


We had some fun in May!
The sun came out for a bit.
Hannah and Ashton having fun on their scooters. (Ashton borrowed Ben's)  Ash doesn't really know how to ride one, but he can scoot a bit.
We had a great time at a local park. It was so pretty out and not many people were around. His favorite thing at a park is still the swing, but after some convincing we climbed a bit then went back to the swings. Climbed some more and went back to the swings.  He sure loves swings! 

Ashton wasn't feeling well this day, and I wanted to go out and enjoy the sun.  He still fits in the stroller but barely. We were able to run to his school one beautiful morning. He enjoyed watching all the school buses pass by.  

Received another swim card this month!  He is loving it and getting good!  His next session starts tomorrow.

Ben and Ashton got a hair cut at the same time. It was adorable! 

Looking good after that hair cut! They gave Ashton a blue sucker afterwards. He enjoyed it very much and it turned his whole mouth blue.

Ashton met Elmo at the Children's museum with some of his class friends. 

Ashton finished his Mini-Sports camp. He some how ended up with two certificates. It was a fun camp. Perhaps he will start back up in the fall. 

Sunny day in the grass. Although we wonder if he has an allergic reaction to grass. A few times he has had some hives and it seems to be those days we went outside and played in it.  Just speculation and no facts, but something to keep an eye out for.

We prepared Ashton for "Star Wars"!  We let him watch the very first original movie that we grew up on, but made sure he knew the characters first so he could follow along. Luckily I still had a book I bought Ben when he was 2 years old. 

Mark and Ben hit for a while at Jackson High School, then all three kids had a bit of fun too. Ashton really wanted Ben and Hannah to be with him while he was playing.

 Ashton's first Baseball Practice with his team was tonight!

That is his coach on the left and a few of his team players.  The very tall boy in green behind the coach is just a brother and son of the coach. He is only helping. This team Ashton is on is for 3 and 4 year olds.

He looked so cute with his helmet on.

His helmet kept slipping off his head. But what a cutie-pie!

 And last by not least...
Handsome Ben
He had to dress up for his Marketing class. Apparently there wasn't a function going on for it, but his teacher gave extra credit points to anyone who dressed up that day.

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