Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What a great weekend!

We had such a fun weekend!  It started Friday for Ashton and I.


He had a field trip to Central Market.  We shop there often, but have never seen many of the places the employees see.
His Class.  The "Madeline" doll is because it was French Friday and the French teacher was trying to incorporate some french words at the field trip. She used the doll for the kids to find and then they would have to talk about stuff that was around it.

They are very serious in the board room. 

They let the kids try cheese. It was blue cheese. Most of the kids did not like this type of cheese. It was funny to see their faces.  
They were able to see the refrigerated section and this is the freezer. Brrr....it was cold!


It started out with 8am Basketball practice!  Mark is the head coach for Ashton's team.  They are looking great and have their first game next this coming Saturday.

Then there was Team Photos. This is from my camera. Not the professionals.

Then Saturday afternoon we went bowling! We invited Ben's girlfriend Sabrina.  We first went to lunch at Panera Bread and then headed to Brunswick Bowling on 164th.  It was a lot of fun! In the first Game Sabrina seemed to do so well by using the bumpers a lot. Not sure how she mastered that one, but it was funny!  In the second game, Mark seemed to have warmed up and did awesome. Ashton actually didn't lose. He beat Sabrina by a tiny bit. She was being silly and goofy, but it paid off for Ashton!

When we first got there, it was Moonlight bowling. Fun! I wish it would have lasted the entire 2 hours. It was great!


It was the Seahawks versus the San Francisco 49ers in the playoffs!  Seahawks won!! What a great game.

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