Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ashton's new things this month

His obsession is still trains but.......

He is definitely into coloring and stamping. He loves doing it every day! He even made a Birthday card for his Grandma last Wednesday. He was very proud of it and smiled big when he gave it to her.

He looks so serious. He is definitely a lefty!

He loves pushing the Grocery cart at Central Market! He calls it the Baby cart. It is our new place to shop during the non-busy hours M-F mornings. ;) I try to limit it to 2 times a week, but anytime I say I need something; he mentions the baby cart. ;)

We had to take daddy with us on the weekend! He had to see what Ashton loves to do!

Ashton sure loves to play Gamecube with his brother and sister. He only pretends, but I am sure he will catch on soon enough.

He even loved going to the dentist! He remembers "Dr. Olga" from the tennis club, so it was a familiar face. Plus it helps that their office is designed to make the kids happy. Look up at the ceiling and watch a movie!

He has on his first bandaid. He kept complaining about a rug burn from preschool. He must have tripped and fell. I finally suggested a bandaid and it must have helped it from scraping on things, because he talked much less about it hurting.

Still loving Preschool! ;) He has grown quite independent. He doesn't have to know where I am at all times. In this picture they were all sitting watching our visitor, Mickey, the librarian from the Mill Creek Library.

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