Thursday, February 24, 2011

The kids are officially done with their USTA Jr. Tennis team and their soccer. But no worries because Hannah starts a new indoor soccer team in a few weeks, and Ben's tennis tournament season is just beginning. Never ending in our house. Mark recently asked about signing up Ashton in some sort of soccer program. Not sure if I want to add anything more to our schedule yet.

As you can see with the video, Ashton is learning to count to 10. He does pretty good most of the time. 9 & 10 can sometimes get switched around. He knows all his basic colors and has almost learned all the alphabet letters. I have been working extra hard on "M-O-M spells MOM" with his magnadoodle! I think he is starting the basic concept of reading. Hee...hee... I know he has a long ways to go, but we are actually really trying to work with him on some of the pre-reading books. It is all just memorization now, but some day he might surprise us. :)

Dancing is something he loves to do lately. He is absolutely obsessed with Black Eye Peas. He has always loved the beats to songs (must be the rap music Ben constantly plays in his room), but now he insists on having Black Eye Peas on all the time. We only have 5 of their songs, but I refuse to let him listen to "My Humps". He is such a repeater. I am a bit worried. Maybe it is time to accidentally lose the iPod for a while.

After a year of trying to get him to make baskets, he has finally figured it out. Now if he can only dribble....

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