Thursday, June 16, 2011

Need to mow?

Mowing has been Ashtons highlight this June. With lots of rain and little bits of sun, the grass keeps on growing. He constantly wants to get out there and mow. He doesn't seem to understand why we can not mow all the time like him. We decided to graduate him from the baby mower to the big boy mower! Just look at his expressions. He sure does take this job seriously!

When the sun isn't shining we are learning to pass time with trains, puzzles and MARIO DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION!  Boy can that kid can move! He has been watching us enough to try and groove, but the "F's" keep coming out. Someday he'll realize he has to watch those arrows on the TV at the same time.  (Had a video of Hannah too, but she didn't want me to post it.  She is the queen of Dance in this house!)

So I just can't forget to mention that my Mom and Dad took Ashton and I to the beach a few weeks back. Ashton kept asking to go to the beach and was really excited when they said yes!  He got there and wanted to take his sandals off. As soon as he did, he didn't like it! He would not touch that sand at all. I tried to place him on the sand and his legs wrapped around me. It was so comical. What a silly kid!

1 comment:

BartandKris said...

LOVE the feet- he's so funny!