Sunday, October 21, 2012


Ben and Hannah both went to Homecoming this year!

We had a friend that plays tennis at the club offer to do Hannah's hair.  It was so nice of her to take the time out of her busy day to swing by and help Hannah out.  Thank you Monique!! Hannah loved her hair!

I had to get a picture with my gorgeous kids!  They look amazing!

Had to play around with this photo.  Love the colors, love the girl!

Handsome Kid!

Next comes the challenging part. I wanted to be at Ben's friends house to take photos of him, and I wanted to be at Hannah's friends house to take photos of her. Ben started at 4:30 and then I rushed out of there and headed to where Hannah was. I was lucky and the girls took forever to get their hair and makeup done, so I was in time to take both of the kids pictures.
The evening started out with Ben and his friends.  There were a lot of them! Amazing how many parents there were taking photos. It was hard to get everyone to stare in the same direction. 

Ben's date. Hannah Yoon.  She is a friend of Ben's.

The first gal is Sabrina.  Ben went to homecoming with her last year. This group is all friends.

Good lookin' group!

One of Ben's best buddies, Tyler.

Fun pose deserved some Vibrant colors to go with it!

Hannah had a great time with her friends tonight!


I love her dress on her.  She specifically asked for this hairstyle for the sweet subtle look.
Beautiful Hannah!


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