Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Some October Highlights

Mark's 2nd Annual Breast Cancer Tennis Mixer
Mark works hard once again this year to go solicite to local businesses and ask for donations for the Breast Cancer Mixer.  They raised $2500 for the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance and their MammoVan!
It is all possible through Mark's hard work!
(Photos are a bit blurry, I had to copy them from someone's camera - Thanks Ashley for taking the photos!)
There's my man! - Love you!

Hannah had a fun time too!


The women and daughters that were able to come and have some fun!

Check out one tennis racket in the air.  Mark bought a stencil and put the logo on our rackets! Great idea Mark! We all loved it!

Ashton finished Soccer
Ashton had a great time at soccer the past 6 weeks.
Family came to watch the last game.  But they changed the agenda and never had the kids play a game. My guess is the coaches thought it wouldn't work very well with this group of kids. I think they are right. Some didn't seem to pay attention too well.

Ashton trying to score a goal past dad!

 They handed out certificates, and all the kids seemed excited about it!

Ashton's buddy Cooper took the soccer camp too!

Ashton enjoying the fall leaves

Picked a Pumpkin at Central Market
After Ashton's soccer game last Saturday, we were going to go to a pumpkin patch. Unforturnately, the weather was aweful and we had little colds, so we detoured to Central Market to pick our pumpkins. Glad they had a tractor there for a great photo!
The kids were disappointed, but I am glad Ashton's class went to the pumpkin patch in the beginning of the month.
Celebrated the October Birthdays
Happy Birthday Kim, Christy and Mom!
I can not remember what was so funny, but I love it! (Little Autumn is so adorable!)
4 generations

The Boys! We are missing Matt. He had to work, but they all are handsome. Spider man is there to protect us too!

Pumpkin drawing!?!
This October seems to be pretty lame for the kids.  There wasn't a pumpkin patch. We didn't buy any candy early this year, and we decided not to carve pumpkins. Every weekend seemed to be busy, so we waited until tonight to figure out what to do with our pumpkins. I like carving in the garage to minimize the mess clean up, and it is normally very cold out there. Since I have a bad cold and feeling lazy, we decided to take sharpie pens and draw on our pumpkins. I did give them all a choice, but said I was going to stick to drawing. They all decided to give it a try this year. We stayed nice and warm in the kitchen and had a fun time trying to figure out what to draw. Of course Hannah's was the only one that showed any artistic ability, but Ashton drew the Death Star and it looks just like it!

That's just gross! We joked with her that she was turning "Goth" on us.  She was just having some Halloween fun!

Hey- look at that tongue! (And cute little dimple)

Love the tri-pod for moments like this!

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