Friday, March 22, 2013

Crazy Washington Spring Weather

We woke up to snow this morning!  Ashton was excited to finally get snow.  I made a joke to him about it being Christmas time and later that morning he joked around saying we needed to go get a christmas tree.  Silly!

8am in the morning

One hour after being outside building a snowman as it was snowing, the sun came out and it was a gorgeous day!  The snow started to melt.  When Hannah woke up this morning, she thought her tennis match in Edmonds would be cancelled. At 1:30pm the team said to get ready and head to the bus. (She won her match tonight too!!  Her team is 4-0, and she is 3-1.  Wouldn't it be amazing if her and Ben were going to state this year in May?  Too early in the season to tell for Hannah, but just a fun thought we had)

What Crazy spring weather.  Tonight as we were eating dinner, you could hardly tell it snowed heavily this morning.
9am in the morning

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