Thursday, April 18, 2013

A bus ride and Snakes this week. Oh my!

This last Monday Ashton's class was able to ride a school bus. The school was trying to get the Pre-K class ready for Kindergarten next year. Most will go on to Public schools and ride the school buses. They wanted the kids to mentally start preparing for it.

Waiting patiently to get on the bus.

"Hi Mom!"  He was able to sit with his friend Cooper.

The bus went around the block with the kids and came back to drop them off.

He was smiling big when he got off.

After the bus ride, one of his teachers came up to me and said Ashton looked at her and said "I'm loving this!".   Too bad he can't ride a bus for another year.  

Toby and Alice came for the day!

Ashton and I picked up Toby and Alice on Tuesday. The Seattle Schools have spring break this week and we wanted to hang out with them.  They both like snakes and reptiles, so we decided to head to Monroe to the "Reptile Zoo".  I had mentioned going there for a few months now with Ashton, but he kept telling me he didn't want to. He seemed better with the thought of his cousins with us.

This place lets you hold snakes, and Alice was very excited!  I even held one. Brought back memories of bringing Ben and Hannah when they were younger. Ben loved this place.
We all had a lot of fun. Glad I was able to spend time with them this week!
They have a couple big alligators! 

I was surprised that Ashton decided to pet the snake. 

Toby has pretend snakes at home but he was scared at this place!

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