Sunday, April 14, 2013


                             Ashton's t-ball practices started!

The night prior to his first t-ball practice, it was pouring cats and dogs outside. I was pretty worried what the field was going to look like because last year when he did t-ball through the YMCA, their fields were extremely soggy even on the sunny days.  When we got there, it wound up being decent. We were surprised when we followed the directions to the new field that it wasn't very far from us. We use to walk everywhere in the Mill Creek area and thought we new most parks around. This one was somewhat hidden. I think Ashton would have enjoyed this tiny little park area a couple years ago if I had known about it. 
You don't see any kicking of the dirt here, but I did see Ashton scooping up dirt with his gloves a few times.  
In the beginning of practice, most kids would run really fast for the ball that was hit in the field. It was survival of the fittest. I think Ashton was hesitant. But towards the end he was trying for them too.  I am guessing Mark was trying to talk to him about it while they were standing there watching.  Ashton is one of two 4 year olds on the team. Most are 5 (almost six) and then a couple 6 year old boys. I bet by the end of the season he will have learned from these kids, good or bad, and he will be more assertive in trying to get that ball!

The practice was a bit cold, but the rain stayed away. It was fun for Ashton to meet new kids, and Mark and I recognized some of the parents from the area. 

Running the bases and having fun!

Ashton's Art work at school
Everyone in the class chose something to draw about. The teacher wrote what they were drawing. The day prior to school we had all seen a pretty rainbow outside.

I absolutely love this photo!  It has just been recent that he is coming home with some pictures that aren't just scribbles. He isn't into coloring or drawing, so at home I never get to see his artwork.  I asked him which one was me and while he was pointing to the smaller figure on the paper, he said "you have long hair".  Ahhh... of course and daddy is bigger.  Nice crew cut dad!

For those of you who do not know, we have decided to place Ashton in Kindergarten this coming September. The cut off date for school is August 31st, so he will be the youngest in his class. Because of this reason, we are doing private Kindergarten and then at the end of the school year we will decide if he will repeat kindergarten in the public school or be placed into 1st grade. We feel that academically he will do great, but socially he can use some growing time. We feel that there are more advantages to keeping him back and having him be the oldest.  He has started to read simple sentence now, thanks to Kumon.

This week Ashton is back into StarWars Wii games again. They saved up enough to buy ghost Yoda on his game, and he is enjoying playing that character on the Wii.  He has even been playing with his StarWars lego characters. He thinks it is hilarious to change all the body parts around and make silly guys. He cracks himself up! 

He hasn't played much of his Mario K'nex track, which means I haven't had to charge a battery in 5+ days.  That is a record. This is a good thing because those rechargeable batteries are not going to last much longer.  Knowing him he is just taking a break and will resume again in the future. 

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