Thursday, May 9, 2013

Beautiful days

The beginning of May has been gorgeous! We have been enjoying the weather, and I won't complain about any uncomfortable heat this week. Knowing the rain is around the corner, the Vitamin D these past few weeks is a nice change.

Let's start by saying Happy 15th Birthday to my little girl! I can't believe these years have been going so fast. She had such a great time celebrating it was everyone. 

The 5 of us went out to celebrate. She wanted Thai food. We all loved that!

Then a frozen yogurt place next.  It was Mark and Ashton's first time there. They loved the fact that they can pick out chocolate candy to go on top of their chocolate frozen yogurt.


Beautiful Hannah.

This weather has been perfect for Hannah and her High School Tennis team.  6 girls on her team made it to Wesco South Division Tennis Playoffs. This is where the best players in the Wesco South Division play against each other in a tournament to see who will move on to Districts. Hannah played great! She had 3 matches on Tuesday, and was exhausted. She then played again on Wednesday Twice and placed 6th in the playoffs. She didn't make it to Districts that are next week, but she still was amazing out there as a freshman on Varsity!

This is Hannah's coach "Monty" and her friend Emily. Emily is a freshman also and they have been playing together for years at Columbia Athletic Club. (Emily placed 5th)

Nicole, Hannah, Maddie, Lily, Lenea and Emily (Maddie and Lily are seniors and they are moving on to Districts next week to play doubles)

What a wonderful Season Hannah and her team had. She seems more motivated to play tennis, and would like to play a few tournaments this summer. I think my summer just became busier.

Ben is still trying to recover from his achilles injury. He will be going to state with his team in a few weeks whether he can play or not. (just to recap:  During Ben's high school tennis season he did great and wound up playing in the Wesco South Division tournament for the boys in the fall. He won and proceeded on to Districts and took 1st place in Districts.  Now 6 months later, he has to play in a state tournament in the Tri-Cities against other top playing kids.) Ben is definitely bummed out, and he has begun to play on it again to try and get his tennis back in shape. His tennis coach at the club (Not Mark) swears it is in his head and has given him some book to read about the mental recovery of the body. Ben says he trusts his coach even though our regular doctor says other wise. Well, just to be on the safe side I made an appointment for a foot specialist on Tuesday.  I think I'd rather get another opinion that is more qualified to judge whether he should be playing on it or not.  We are all still taking the drive to watch the other kids play even if Ben won't be able to. 

Ashton seems to be loving T-Ball. His first game was very cold, and his last game was extremely warm.  Unfortunately Ashton had to take his turn at being catcher, and it was even hotter in that gear he had to wear. 

I love these photos I took of Mark and Ashton out in the field:

Cracks me up how much they had the same stance and looking at the dirt. Looks like Daddy is doing some dirt kicking of his own. 

Ashton's school had a Mother's day Celebration yesterday. It was such a wonderful thing his school put on. We were able to come and have muffins with the kids and they gave us a plant and made us a card. 

The teachers asked the kids specific questions. It is cute to see his answers. "Fred Meyer" because when I ask him which grocery store he would like to go to, he always chooses this one. He says it is because he wants a cookie. "Fruit snacks and strawberris" because he loves fruit snacks and his favorite fruit is strawberries so we always seem to buy them. "salad" because I always have a salad at dinner time. "Water" because that is all I drink in front of him. My job seems pretty self explanatory and I do try to play tennis while he is at school. I am also glad he thinks I like to play Lego Star Wars with him. I am not sure that I would have answered that in the same way if someone was to ask me what I like to do on my fun time.  What a great card the teachers took time to have the kids do. 

Ashton also discovered the back yard last week. Of course it has always been there, but nothing we really talk about or venture out into because it is pretty small. I told him he could take his lightsaber outside and play and he loved it.  He played for such a long time by himself. I peeked in on him and caught him practicing his jedi skills.  Not sure if I want to really share on what his friend Cooper and him were doing in the back yard with rocks today, but it wasn't good. Apparently I never specifically said he couldn't throw rocks over the fence, therefore it must be ok. We had a huge talk on that one. My friends car was lucky to escape without any cracks or dents. There were a lot of rocks by it.  

He has been very helpful in watering the plants. It then leads to watering everything else, including but not limited to the grass, fence, chairs, feet and head.

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