Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

I am in love with my sisters wisteria!  Definitely breathtaking.

Happy Mother's day.

Happy First Mother's day!

Hannah gave me the most beautiful card!

I had my personal photographer AKA: Mark Bergman with me.

Christy was loving the swing. She couldn't remember the last time she was on one. 

Love my sweetie-pie!

Best baby ever! I still have never heard her cry. Her mama swears she does. 

The boys were loving it that Ben was on the swing.

Hi Sweetie!


It was hard to find a photo with all smiles or all eyes opened.  Took Photoshop and tried to fix a few people. I am loving that program!

Before our Mother's day lunch, mark and I were entertaining Ashton and Toby while Ben and Hannah were shopping.  The boys were having fun trying on hats.

Daddy was proud that Ashton wouldn't even put a Husky hat on his had. 

Mark got Toby to try on a Cougar hat.  We tried hard to convert him! 

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