Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ashton's First Day of Kindergarten

I first have to mention how excited the boys were to have Sunday Football back!  Game after Game after Game. I really did try to get into it, but I must admit that the RedZone isn't helpful for someone who wants to watch a football game and try to get excited for a team. Every time I looked up it was a different team with different scores. I call it the "A-D-D" Channel.  Luckily Monday night football was just one game at a time, but I still couldn't just sit. So many other things to do.  I can not see how I can't eventually get there with all these football loving fans in the house. Perhaps someday there will be less to do around here, and I can watch an entire game. ;)

Now on to Ashton....

Ashton was definitely ready to head back to school and socialize with kids his own age. He was excited and confident about heading in Monday morning. 
Started the first day of school with some delicious ABC pancakes. 
He was glowing and happy all morning!

The look of confidence.

His friend Aubrey. She is the only one from his Pre-K class that will be in his Kindergarten. There are 2 girls from his school at the Co-Op a couple years ago. He vaguely remembers them. And then there is one girl from his Co-op in Edmonds he did when he was 1 years old. He definitely doesn't remember her, but the Mama's remembered each other.

When I picked him up from school he said he had a great day. He met a couple friends and they were waving to each other goodbye. 

His first day went so well, that he was just as excited to go his second day of school and insisted that I get a photo of him .

Such a happy guy! (Wearing his Cougar jersey did add to his excitement that morning)

Lately he can't seem to get enough when it comes to learning. His brain is soaking everything up. He wants to do his math all the time and he says it is so much fun. He even wanted to do it in the car the other day. Tonight I felt like we forced him to come eat dinner because he wouldn't stop doing his math on the floor, and at bed time he wanted to do another one and I can't believe I had to say "NO!". We know it is just a phase that may go away in a week or so, but what a funny guy! 

This isn't even work from school, but things he learned at Kumon. My guess is they will be working on letters and numbers at school. I believe he gets homework from his class soon. It does make us wonder just how bored he would be if we made him repeat Kindergarten next year. I guess only time will tell.

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