Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Phi Kappa Theta

Ben said it was a super long run to the house and then they got water poured all over them!
Update on Ben:

It was a long week of Rush but he was excited to be invited into the fraternity that he wanted!

Phi Kappa Theta
It is a "Dry" house (no drinking) so He will most likely move In after his first semester.
Apparently it is an amazing facility! Mark excited because he gets to see it during "Dads weekend" but I have to wait until April for "moms weekend". 

Received a text from him this morning saying as a pledge he already had to clean up early this morning after a celebration last night, then he headed off to his early morning class. 😊 

His classes are all in the morning and he is done by 12:30. He is loving college life!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Ben heads to WSU

Last weekend we went to Pullman to drop Ben off at college.
It was a wonderful and yet sad day!  What a great experience to move him in and see where he will be living.

We stayed at his girlfriends parents place in Cle Elem Friday night. That was very nice of them to have us there. It saved us about 2 hours or more of a drive. So Saturday morning we woke up early, went out to breakfast to celebrate Sabrina's birthday and then head out all together.
The drive over definitely something we won’t forget.  Ben drove his own car and was following Sabrina’s dad, Kurt. We were following Ben.  Kurt was going a bit fast and passing cars and we were all following his lead.  Then there came a point where Mark decided to just hang back a bit. Roads had a bit more curves and more cars were around. Ben calls us and asks if we want him to hang back with us or if he cares if he continues to follow Kurt. We told him to just be safe. (What we should have said that would have been very funny later was “It’s your ticket”) Mark and I did discuss tickets and insurance raising if he gets a ticket after the phone call. Very shortly later, we see a police man turn around on this 2-way highway.  We both knew it was either for Ben or Kurt.  Then we see him pull Ben over.  We couldn’t help but laugh- even though we knew Ben would be very stressed out at that moment. We all pull over and I had to get a photo of it!! We think it is a one in a million chance you will ever see your own child get pulled over for speeding!  Hopefully this will be a good lesson for those trips home and back about speeding!

His dorm room and roommate are great! His dorm was newly remodeled years ago, and looks wonderful.  There were some dorms there that make me very thankful he is in this one.  Those others look extremely run down and old.

It was an extremely sad parting, with tears many time there and many times home. Ashton took it the hardest.  But big brother came to the rescue with leaving his old iTouch for Ashton, so the very next morning Ashton was texting Ben with smiles on his face. Ashton seems happy to know he can contact him anytime!  It has been great for us too, because we have gotten updates the last two mornings from Ashton as to how Ben’s day will be.  I am sure that will fade away, but a great transition for all of us!

Ben goes through Rush (for the fraternities) this week. We hope that all goes well! School starts next week!

I feel like a cry every day and feel so sad that he is gone. Can't figure out why. He has left us before on vacations and to his dad's, but it is so different this time. Hoping he makes the best choices and hoping he stays healthy, eats healthy and comes home to us safely. I miss him so much! 

To View Photos: 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas time!

Christmas Eve!

Christmas Morning!

Christmas day at the Franklins!

Christmas Evening with the Bergman's.