Monday, January 30, 2012

Fun Filled Weekend

Ashton had a fun weekend!  It was cold and wet, but we still took advantage of an empty schedule.

On Saturday, Daddy took him golfing at the golf range. He liked it so much he kept asking for another bucket of balls. Mark had to stop after 2 buckets and tell him they had to go home.  He did promise to take him back another day.

Not quite Tiger Woods when he was three years old, but at least he is making contact with the ball! 

Next was North Creek Park in Bothell.  Ashton's favorite thing was for Daddy to push him on the swing and sacrifice him to the moon.  Ha!  Just wait until Ashton can really comprehend what "sacrifice" means.   I doubt he will think it is funny then. 
He still loves to sit in the little baby/kid swing.  I think he feels more secure in it, and daddy can push him really high!

 We were hoping to take the Wetlands trail that I heard about, but it was closed for renovations. We did find an amazing tree.  It was so beautiful how it was growing.  

Sunday we decided to try the Seattle Pacific Science Center.  

They still have the dinosaur exhibit there.  One of the first things he said was "Toby would like this".  His Cousin Toby likes dinosaurs, and Ashton does not like dinosaurs. When we would approach one, he kept asking if it was a nice one or a mean one. He likes the nice leaf eaters better. We kept telling him they were pretend, and by the end of the day if we asked him if he liked dinosaurs he would say he liked pretend ones. Funny. I am trying to let him know they are all pretend, but I am sure he won't change his mind anytime soon on dinosaurs.

Saw the lives bees.  They had an insect area. A lady was holding a gigantic cockroach and asked Ashton if he wanted to touch it.  Ashton said no and I think Mark was relieved.

Even though today was Monday, Ashton had no school so it was a continued weekend for him. He got up and played tennis with daddy and then his swimming lesson.  Teacher Hannah taught Ashton about goggles today.  He did really well with them, but he preferred to not wear them. I am sure he will get used to it soon.

He likes jumping into the pool.  She had him jump once with his goggles on and once without them.  He said he liked it with out his goggles.  Perhaps he will start to realize he won't get any water into his eyes with them on. 

He really likes his teacher.  She is so great with him.  We are lucky that he has one on one lessons right now.  That could change any week, but for now it has been great. 

Learning to blow under the water.

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