Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy New Years!

O' Boy- Sometimes the weeks just fly by.

Christmas was great!  It was so cute to pretend that Santa was coming to the house.  Ashton loved it.  The big kids played along with it too.  At times I thought we slipped with our words, but this year we didn't have to worry too much about it because it went over his head.  His Christmas list consisted of a lot of trains. He is still collecting trains this year.  I think that "Collecting" is a good word for it too. He wants them all, but only plays with a couple.

The new year is starting off great. Just last weekend we had a great family walk to the town center.  All 5 of us going can be a rare sight lately. We don't make the kids come, and we were very glad they all wanted to join us. The town center is a mile away and we decided not to bring a stroller for Ashton.  He was so funny because he kept looking at everyone to make sure we were all right there.  If he was in front of Hannah he would constantly look back to make sure she was still there.  If they were on the sides of him, he would look from side to side.
He did great in the beginning.  Full of energy.

But had to be on the shoulders on the way back.  (You ask him to smile and you get a silly face)

 Ashton seems to be getting more tennis time in with daddy, but loves it when daddy sets up an "obstacle course" for him to do on the tennis court. It reminds him of the Wii Fit Plus game we play at home.  Marks objective is for him to warm up and learn about moving your feet.  I tend to think Ashton likes the fun obstacle course more then the tennis lately.  But either way he is out there having some fun!

We just started Ashton in swim lessons today.  We had an opportunity to put him in lessons at a good price that we just had to do it! It was supposed to be a group lesson, but so far he is the only one at that particular time.  We got lucky with some private swim lessons for a little while.  We were worried about him in the water with someone that he had never met before, but he did great! He seemed to enjoy himself and he was a good listener.

Ashton is definitely a active little guy. He even loves to exercise.  His push-up's have gotten pretty good.  I wish he would eat more so he could keep up with the calories that he burns off every day with all of his daily activities!

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