Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The snow kept coming today!

The kids had another day off of school, and we just found out that they have Thursday off too.  They are loving it!  I don't think they love the thought of playing in the snow, but they love the thought of not going to school and having to think.  

Took some fun photos of Ben and Hannah on Tuesday with us!  They seemed to have a fun time, but later told me they were pretty much done with going outside.  Perhaps the hills weren't much of a challenge for them, or they didn't like the 1 mile hike to the hills.  Ha!  It seemed longer then it normally does because of the snow we had to trudge through.  Ashton was lucky to be able to get a fun sled ride all the way there.

Hannah was having fun sliding down and falling in the snow that Ben decided to pretend to run her over. 

Mark still had to work a bit today, but luckily most people are not coming in so has been able to be home a few more hours then normal this week. It has been great!  We had a fun snow day with daddy today!  Ashton was ready to go home quicker today then the last two days. Apparently the novelty of it has warn off or the blustery, colder weather today had something to do with it.  Who knows what made him want to leave, but it was still fun in the beginning.

I love this photo.  So much white all around our vibrant little guy!

It was great watching him pull his sled up the slippery hill by himself. He was amazing.
He had such a great time going down the hills.

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