Sunday, July 1, 2012

Fun June Days

Fun Bath time!

Wanting this cool hat for his birthday (but he wants everything!)

Wow- about as big as him!

The sun really brings out his red hair. 

Can you see our little Penguin?

First time all 5 of us went to a movie.  It was great!

Ashton and his T-Ball team

Our little Lefty!

Loving the zoo.

The zoo is even nicer when the sun comes out and our friends are here!

Found a nice trail to ride their bikes.
Had a great time at Trader Joe's.  It was his first time there.

After a long day of tournament games, Ben is tired and Ashton is using the force with his Jedi Light Saber.
Fun bowling with Daddy!

Fun at the bouncy house!  

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