Sunday, July 15, 2012


The weekend was packed full of non stop events. Friday was all about Ben and his tournament in Kirkland. He won both his singles matches! Saturday Ashton had T-ball at 9am, Ben had his 3rd round of Tennis at 10:30am and Hannah had her Team tennis at 1pm.  Mark and I were juggling around. He took Ash to t-Ball and I took Ben to tennis. Ben won so I came home and Mark took Ben back to be in the quarterfinals of the tournament at 2pm and Ben's double matches at 5pm and 7pm. Hannah had a great Team tennis at the club. Her team won 4 out of 5 matches. Ashton stayed with me and enjoyed some "Blues Clues" movie time.  Ben lost and was out of the tournament by Saturday evening, but had such good tennis this weekend. Saturday evening we were all together and had the kids watch "Pay it forward". What a great movie! Definitely makes you cry.  We are hoping the movie would impact them to do good things for people. Not sure if it did, but at least they didn't fall asleep. Then Hannah had another team tennis match Today at the club and her team did great. They won 3 out of 5 matches this time. Hannah played singles and did awesome. I think this gave her a little confidence booster in her tennis game.  (Does your head hurt yet? Did you follow all that? Mark and I were wiped out!)

On a side note: Ashton woke up at 5am on Saturday because he fell out of his very high large bed.  The bumper had been slowly leaking air and it is definitely FLAT!  We ran downstairs because we heard a thump and crying/screaming. We asked if he was ok. If his head or back hurt. He told us his pointer finger hurt.  We thought maybe he fell on his hand wrong. We got him to lay down for a bit more and when he got out of bed later that morning we noticed a big bump on his forehead and a scrapped up little nose.  Poor guy - and he only said his finger hurt him.

He was well enough to play in his last T-ball game at 9am Saturday.
He enjoyed his last game and party afterwards. He loved getting a trophy!

Later that evening we went outside to play. I decided to put on my rollerblades to show him, and he finally took interest in his roller skates! About time.  I have been waiting for a roller buddy since Ben won't do it anymore. I can't wait for him to get good and play roller hockey with me outside!

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