Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 4th

Yesterday was a long one. We got up early just to make sure we rode the new Cars Racer Ride in California Adventure since we missed out yesterday and didn't want to wait 2 hours. We planned the day where we would stand in line early and hope for the best. It worked! I stood in line at the Fast Pass distribution at 7:30am and Mark and Ashton stood in line to make sure he got to the Cars Ride. Our lines opened up at 8am. I got the tickets to come back later to hop in a fast lane and then I got them some breakfast and met up with them in their line. We were able to ride it two times yesterday! That was a great ride and well worth the efforts of the morning. (realized I just typed all that yesterday!)

We did get very tired by the afternoon and came back to the hotel to nap. It felt great! We were refreshed and ready for the next round. Went back to Disneyland in the evening for dinner and rode rides and got Ashton a light Saber. He choose Darth Vader (of course the bad guy. He seems to like the bad guys) and we had to get Ben one so they could fight each other. I know I will be borrowing Ben's while he is at school.

We wanted to see the fireworks, but both Mark and I aren't into the mad house crowds that were herded together to look up at the sky so we stepped into a empty quiet ice cream shop and enjoyed dessert while listening to the music and booms of the show. It was great!

Afterwards we kept shopping and riding rides. Ashton made me do Thunder mountain one more time. It was cool to see in the dark, but I was absolutely done after that one. Mark and him kept on riding because the lines were so short. Ashton had so much fun and is just like daddy! So many people seemed so impressed that a little guy would love these rides.

We left the park close to midnight. Wow! What fun! So glad we all napped!

Today is travel day. Coming home!

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