Saturday, August 4, 2012

Ben Wins the 18's Consolation Tennis tournament

Our life lately......

Our big winner! 

Ben's tournament started on Thursday. He played in the 16's and the boys 18's.  He got to the Semi-finals in the 16's and played the best tennis I have seen him play in a long time. The points were amazing. Both the boys were outstanding. In the end Ben lost in a third set tie break, but played great.
He returned and played in the 18's Consolation Semi-finals. He won and played on to win in the Finals tonight! He proudly wore his new medal and we went out to ice cream in this scorching hot evening.  Back for another tournament on Monday in Seattle!

Ashton received some early birthday presents from Mei li and the Wang family last Friday. He is loving his new Star Wars lego back pack, his new puzzles, His lunch box and a cool transformer.  What a lucky boy!

Having fun with his Cars this past week. He received the remainder of Ben's Hot Wheel collection and he was trying to see if they would all fit into his garage. Some of them just wouldn't squeeze in there.

Hannah, Ashton and I went to Greenlake in Seattle and met up with our friends, the Prices.  Ashton road his bike all the way around and Hannah rode her scooter.  On our way back to the car they splashed in the fun wadding pool. What a beautiful day it was!

Hannah spent the night with her friend and came home the next day with her masterpiece. Her friends dad is a artist and they had all the supplies. I am sure Hannah thought it was the coolest place. Just what she loves - ART!

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