Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Ashton!


We just can't believe how quick these last 4 years have been.  Our little baby is 4 years old today.  What an amazing kid he is. We just love every minute.  (Even the terrible tantrums he throws every once in a while - He is still a cutie!)

Ashton wanted a Star Wars cake this year. 

Cousin Toby and Ashton enjoying their cake!

Matt and Jaclynn.  6 more weeks until Jaclynn has her baby. How exciting! 
Grandma and Grandpa

Ashton was really excited to get "Desert Skiff" Lego set from Aunt Christy and Uncle Bart!


Ashton read the book "Happy Birthday Mouse" and the mouse got to pick what ever he wanted for his birthday breakfast. Ashton picked donuts.  We decided he needed something more then donuts for breakfast, but of course we had to accommodate with the best donuts in the world. Top Pots "Double Trouble" Chocolate Donuts!

Of course we had to sing again and blow out more candles!  

He likes his books!  
 Another Star Wars lego set. This one only took 1 hour to put together. No wonder it says ages 9-12. He sure likes playing with them. Unfortunately every time a piece comes off his little fingers can't seem to put it back on.

Wow!  Look how big that is. We didn't realize the scale of it. Ashton loves it.  Hannah and I took almost 3 hours trying to put this together. The company KNex did not put the manual together very well. I am now very impressed with Lego's step by step instructions for their toys. This company needs to get on bored with the customers need to have efficient instructions.  

He is loving it! (Thank goodness because after that many hours of putting it together, I am in no rush to take it apart! 


 We had fun bowling to finish celebrating Ashton's birthday!  His best friend Cooper came too!
 Cooper's mommy, Kristen, and my favorite little baby girl, Emma! 
The boys had fun!

 It was a very low scoring game tonight. ;)

One last time for Ashton today!  We made the portions smaller this time.  
Happy Birthday Ashton! We love you!

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