Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Another Amazing Tournament for Ben!

Since Monday we have been hanging out at Amy Yee Tennis Center in Seattle. A favorite past time while we wait for Ben's match to start is hitting the tennis ball against the stairs. Something we have done every year since Ashton was a tiny guy. He used to giggle when we would do it, now he loves doing it too.  It does seem to go in the bushes a lot. This last time we brought many balls so we didn't have to deal with too many spider webs.

This is actually a pretend photo shoot of Ben and Benjamin Elliot ending a tournament match.  In a "real" match, I do not think they both would be smiling so nicely.  Since neither of them lost, they were happy to humor me and let me get a shot of them shaking hands at the net.  Ben has played Ben Elliot a few times these past 3 years. A good player. He hasn't run into him on the courts this summer, but there is always sectionals next week in Yakima.

We walked up to the courts outside and hit a bit before Ben's match. Here is Ashton carefully watching his step.

We bring many things for Ashton to do. His favorite thing while waiting is writing in his Journal. He writes his name every day and tells us what to write every day. The last week it says "We are at Ben's tennis match" almost every day. 
We also bring many books, toys and he likes to play with his magnetic letter book. He is getting better at what sounds letters make. 

Towards the end we just can't hold out any longer. Out comes the iPad and he will zone out for a while. Being at Ben's match from 10am to 4:30pm will do that to a little guy. He is such a trooper and really patient. 

Ben with his runners up trophy and Allen with the big winner trophy.  Ben was proud of himself for getting to the finals! It was such a tough battle just to get there. His semi-final match alone was over 2 hours long. Wow!  Then to come back a couple hours later and have to play again to someone with fresh legs is rough. He still played hard and tried his best. It was a great tournament for him!

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