Saturday, June 15, 2013

Ashton's Pre-Kindergarten Graduation

Ashton had his Pre-K Graduation today!  It was quite a production. That is one thing about this school, they really know how to put on a party. (And with the price we pay them, they better!)

In the classroom before the ceremony

His friends Liam and buddy Cooper.

Ashton was walking down the isle. His eyes caught Hannah. As soon as I snapped the photo, he waved and smiled. 
His Teachers. Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. Milne  They will be missed!

They sang a song for us too.

(He possibly could be the class of 2027.  We will know in one year)

Below is a photo of his first day of school in Sept. 2012.

He was pretty excited!

This was taken Friday on his last day of school:

He was bringing teacher's gifts to school today.

My friend Dawn. I have known her for 14 years. She introduced me to my love of Longaberger Baskets! She now works at Ashton's school. I have enjoyed seeing her weekly this year, and I am glad Ashton will be coming back next year!

Above:  After school the boys took photos of their last day.  Below that is their first day of school in Sept. 2012.  We will miss Cooper so much when he moves in July. :(

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