Tuesday, June 4, 2013

June 4th

Amazing what happens in a couple weeks:

The hummingbirds come out

Ashton and I enjoyed watching this Hummingbird eat and then rest on a chair. We were worried at first if something was wrong, because I have never seen a hummingbird just sit.  My have been digesting his food.

Ashton likes a new game

I used to play this with Ben and Hannah to teach them the game of Monopoly. It is for kids ages 5-8 and much more simple then the regular game. Ashton has really been enjoying it.

Hannah lost.....

Ashton Can ride for miles

Ashton loves to ride his bike. He is getting so big on it. Daddy had to raise the seat so the tippy top. We will ride for miles! He really seems to enjoy the trails, and when we find a hidden park.

Ashton boxed up his Mario K'nex racing set

We put his set back in the boxes and he wanted to bring out his old wooden Thomas the Train set. Silly kid. I guess he was reliving some old memories. The trains are out, but instead of playing with them he likes to rebuild the track and just set up the trains.  He recently is into watching Thomas shows again and wanting to put more electric Thomas trains on his birthday list.  I wonder how long before he wants his Mario K'nex track out again.

Took Hannah painting

Hannah and I went painting. She is making a mug for her dad for Father's day.
My bowl from a few weeks ago. (This is after they fired it up)
Wow- Those mountains and trees are amazing.  She said she watches Bob Ross paint a lot. (This is before it is fired up. Can't wait to see what it looks like afterwards!)

Update on Ben:

Ben goes into surgery for his Os Trigonum on Thursday morning. He will be in a boot for 2 weeks, and no tennis for 8 weeks. Crossing our fingers it all goes smoothly. 

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