Saturday, June 29, 2013

Little league night at the AquaSox game

We were excited to take Ashton to the AquaSox game tonight. Mark found out it was Little League night and bought the tickets. Then we heard that the kids could be out on the field during the National Anthem.  How exciting!

 He looked pretty nervous heading out to the field with the other kids. Mark was right there at the gate and I was in the front row of the stands.

He seemed so small next to all the other kids out there.

They high-fived the players.  Pretty cool!

Waiting for the catcher to be called so they can run out with him to home plate.

 We didn't get to stay for the entire game, since it was past his bedtime already. But I am glad we took him. He even received two new baseball hats. The first 1000 people received one, and then he received another one for getting out on the field with the players.

What a great experience!

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